After completing his studies, Johannes Büchs finished a voluntary at the NDR, worked as an author for the satire broadcast "extra 3", and moderated the socio-political children's show "nine-and-a-half" at ARD until 2017. He is moderating the program "Kann es Johannes?" at KiKA and is furthermore also active as a reporter for the "Sendung mit der Maus". In 2012, Johannes Büchs was nominated for the Grimme Prize and in 2013 he was awarded the DGE- Journalist Prize. In 2014, he received the Environmental Media Prize and his format "Kann es Johannes?" was rewarded with the Golden Sparrow. In addition to that, the show was nominated for the Special Prize for Culture as part of the Grimme Award in 2015.
Johannes Büchs completed the train-the-trainer modules at the ARD.ZDF Media Academy and since then has been working as a executive trainer with focus on media training, keynote and presenting with storytelling. He also holds a lectureship at the Zeppelin University in Friedrichshafen.